Boober makes it easy to find a prenatal or postpartum acupuncturist. Optimize your fertility. Prepare your body and recover from birth.
as seen in
acupuncture for fertility, pregnancy and postpartum
Acupuncture, frequently combined with herbal medicine, has been used for centuries to treat many causes of infertility. Acupuncture is a safe, chemical-free option for treating a wide range of symptoms that are common in pregnancy. Acupuncture often relieves common pregnancy problems like nausea, back pain, insomnia, and swelling. During childbirth, acupuncture can relieve labor pain, lower blood pressure, and increase the effectiveness of contractions. During postpartum, acupuncture can be used to restore hormonal balance, help with fatigue, and treat postpartum problems such as back pain or poor milk supply. Below are some conditions commonly improved with acupuncture.
- Under-functioning thyroid (Hypothyroidism)
- Over-functioning thyroid (Hyperthyroidism)
- Improved ovarian and follicular function
- Helps facilitate a thick, rich endometrial lining
- Stress
- Morning sickness
- Fatigue
- Heartburn
- Muscle and joint pain
- Varicose veins and hemorrhoids
- Pregnancy-induced high blood pressure
- Sleep issues
- Swelling
- Breech babies
- Labor preparation & induction
- Recovery from vaginal or cesarean births
- Postpartum depression and anxiety
- Breastfeeding/bodyfeeding/milk supply difficulties
- Mastitis or blocked ducts
- Sleep issues
- Fatigue
why boober
- All Care Providers are certified*, insured, and vetted
- Founded by Birth Day Presence, NYCs premier provider of pregnancy, childbirth, and doula matching services
- We’ll quickly connect you to qualified support when you want it
- 15+ years of experience
- boober works with top OBs, midwives, pediatricians, and perinatal care providers
- Virtual or In-Person care, when you need it
- Trying to find a Care Provider on your own can take days or weeks. boober finds you someone NOW
- A real, live human Care Team - not computers - make sure you find the right Provider
- Sliding scale available
- boober has resources and providers for every stage of your birth journey, from expecting to postpartum
what about price?
Our goal is to help all parents in need of support. If pricing is a concern, contact us and we’ll try to connect you to a provider or other appropriate resources.