Boober in the News

Governor Hochul announces new measures to combat infant and maternal mortality crisis
With infant mortality rates
rising nationwide for the first time in two decades, New York Governor Kathy Hochul has issued new measures to combat the rates.
On Monday, Gov. Hochul signed a legislation directing the New York State Department of Health to create and maintain a statewide doula directory, making them easier to find.

Those Who Can't Breastfeed Should Always Have Formula and Donor Milk Covered by Insurance—A Petition is Calling for That
New parents can get a free breast pump through insurance. But that doesn't benefit every family—including families where the birthing person had a mastectomy. A petition is calling for equity. Experts weighed in on how this would help and what else parents can do to push this issue forward.

Here's How Long Most Babies Take To Breastfeed
When I first started trying to breastfeed my son, I was so confused and overwhelmed, particularly about the fact that I had no idea how to know if he had enough milk, or how long it would take to breastfeed a baby. It’s not like a bottle where you know they’ve had a certain amount of ounces and you knew they were done when the bottle was empty.

9 onesies for babies of all ages in 2021
"Whether you’re a parent-to-be or are shopping for one, there’s one classic baby apparel essential that’s hard to debate: the onesie. And when it comes to the divisive world of parenting, most parents agree that one onesie simply isn’t enough. Experts consider them a quintessential baby shower gift, especially since parents will need them in a range of sizes as well as styles."

Meet Jada Shapiro | Jada Shapiro, Maternal Health Expert & Founder of Boober
"Boober was born organically, driven by market demand from parents struggling to find the basic support and help they needed after having a baby. I was running my first company, NYC’s top childbirth education and doula training center, Birth Day Presence, and saw a steep increase in my students calling us desperately, ready to give up nursing or feeding their babies in pain, unable to get the lactation help they needed quickly enough."

Coco Austin unites moms deemed ‘perverted’ for breastfeeding kids over 5
"Mother knows best — and these moms say breast milk is the best milk for their school-age kids. “My daughter Piper will be 7 years old in November and I breastfeed her twice a day or whenever she says she needs it,” extended breastfeeding advocate Kim Summer, 40, told The Post."

Postpartum Recovery & Mental Health with Expert Jada Shapiro
"Postpartum recovery is fraught with challenges that many mothers are not prepared for. It goes far beyond physical healing and is a time where special care and consideration must be given to mental health and emotional wellbeing. How do you prepare for a smooth postpartum recovery, and what steps can you take during pregnancy to support yourself after childbirth? We sat down with maternal healthcare expert and the founder of Boober, Jada Shapiro, to answer these questions and more."

Mother’s Day Gifts For New Moms 2021
"The New Mom Economy—the startups redefining and disrupting parenthood as we know it—continues to grow and evolve. Initially, ventures focused on gadgets tending to baby’s wellbeing, like 4moms, Owlet and Snoo, were the first to hit the market around 2015."

Female Disruptors: Jada Shapiro of ‘boober’ On The Three Things You Need To Shake Up Your Industry
“Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.” I struggle with perfectionism, as do many entrepreneurs. Sometimes that intense drive to do everything perfectly or at least as well as possible, pushes me to work hard and continue to accomplish. However, I have finally, after many years of being in business and in therapy, come to the understanding that sometimes being “good enough” means that whatever I’m working on will actually get done. I’m laughing as I write these answers and struggle to accept that what I’ve written is good enough to share with your readers! At some point, you just have to let it go, take that step and push whatever it is out into the world. Ok, I’m done!

10 Best Parenting Websites
"I have a problem. Specifically, a googling problem. Even though I’ve read three books on children and parenting and I have “What to Expect the First Year“, I still Google everything from, “What to do about a runny nose?” to “Why does my baby hit me?” And let’s not even discuss my addiction to WebMD. But despite the fact that WebMD makes me think my child has a terminal illness and Google tells me I’m doing everything wrong, the internet is actually a helpful place for parents."

Will Breastfeeding on Zoom Break the Work-Life Barrier Once and for All?
"Nursing is going to be a completely different experience for women who are working from home,” says Jada Shapiro, a maternal health expert and founder of boober, a platform that connects parents to lactation consultants, birth and postpartum doulas, and mental health therapists."

Help Is on the Way: Online Resources for Expectant & New Parents
"We all know moms are warriors who can work miracles on very little sleep. But we’re also human, and humans need support sometimes. These online resources can answer your questions, calm your mind, and provide valuable help to you and your baby."

Online Parenting Classes: Birthing, Breastfeeding & More
"Being a new or expecting parent is always a bit of a strange time, filled with questions—and wow, that’s especially the case now. The great news is that NYC providers and businesses are offering tons of online parenting classes and resources: birthing classes, breastfeeding support groups or one-one-one sessions with lactation consultants, newborn care and CPR, prenatal yoga and more. Some are free, many affordable, some are even covered by insurance. Help for new parents is out there, online, with NYC pros who you can see in person, eventually! (And hey—congrats!)"

Online Mental Health Resources For New Moms
"Boober is an online mental health recourse for new moms like no other. Boober wants to not just help new moms with their mental health, but also to help boost their confidence and parents find a community that they feel self in. No matter what is weighing in on your mind and heart , Booober is there to help sort out your emotions and help you with this difficult time."

Pregnancy and Coronavirus: Everything You Need to Know Now
"Lactation consultants are also shifting to a virtual model to assist women with any breastfeeding issues in those first months postpartum;
Boober offers a direct link to many virtual providers."

8 Mom-Run Parenting Services Adapting To The Quarantine
Founder Jada Shapiro tells Romper, "I launched boober in response to the lack of quick and effective action and postpartum support new moms receive in this country. When the pandemic struck, we immediately shifted into virtual support and it has been a vital resource for moms and families at home with literally no other support in their household."

Importance of ‘sharing the load’
“All providers are currently virtual due to COVID-19,” Jada Shapiro, founder of boober, told Healthline. “Boober fast-tracked mental health therapists knowing there would be significantly more anxiety at this time, and has seen an uptick of people who have never seen a therapist before reaching out for support and help to get through these uncertain and stressful times.”

Why Does Baby Unlatch From The Breast? There Are A Few Reasons
"You've found a comfortable place to nurse. You know there's plenty of milk, and you know baby is hungry. You finally get your little one comfortably latched, and settle in relief when suddenly — nah, no thanks, Mom. Why oh why does baby unlatch? And then re-latch? And then latch again? Are they hoping a different, tastier beverage will come out the next time? They're like, Alright...maybe this time it will be Yoo-hoo. Nope. OK, let's try again. Raspberry Icee this time? Nope. Alright one more go... Not only is this little hop-on-hop-off routine frustrating, it can be painful. There is no ouch quite like the ouch of when your baby suddenly jerks their head, seeming to forget that your nipple is in fact still in their mouth."

Pregnant in a Pandemic
"A few weeks ago, a family member asked me not to come to her mother’s burial because pregnant women don’t belong in cemeteries. Though this is my first pregnancy, I thought I’d already absorbed all of the relevant Jewish customs, most of them unwritten. You don’t buy nonessential things for the future baby. You don’t decorate a nursery. You don’t tell people what name you have in mind until well after the birth."

Strained hospitals and isolation: how coronavirus made giving birth even harder
"Jada Shapiro, the New York-based founder of Boober, a platform pairing parents with maternal care providers, and the childbirth education center Birth Day Presence, has had to reinvent her practice practically overnight.
"Covid is definitely making isolation for new parents worse right now, especially when people can’t have their own family members come over and help them,” she said.
Shapiro is trying to help surround them in the only space that’s safe – virtual space – and she has met with a lot of interest."

Breastfeeding Can Increase Anxiety, But Experts Say It's Absolutely Manageable
"Along with growing new humans, breastfeeding is seriously one of the wildest, most amazing things women can do. But magical though it may be, it can also be kind of crazy-making. Let's put a little pause on all the wonders and benefits of breastfeeding for a sec, and instead talk about some of the ways breastfeeding can increase a new mom's anxiety."

Baby Hates The Nursing Cover? Here's How To Get Comfortable Breastfeeding In Public
"Nursing in public can be challenging for any mom. And trying to nurse a child who loathes being covered can feel akin to putting on a two-person Cirque du Soleil performance — such are the contortions, flailing, and unexpected flashes of nipple. But if your baby hates the nursing cover, there's hope out there. To help all the stressed, breastfeeding mamas out, I reached out to nursing expert Jada Shapiro and asked for some of her best tips on how to nurse in public when your child refuses to cover up."

What Is Dry Pumping To Boost Supply? A Lactation Expert Explains The Technique
"For some breastfeeding moms, maintaining an adequate milk supply is a huge source of stress. Some turn to dry pumping to boost supply, and while it can definitely be effective, lactation consultants say it isn't always necessary."

What To Expect When You're Expecting During a Pandemic
"The classic pregnancy book What to Expect When You’re Expecting lists a few common questions women ask themselves before their baby’s due date, including “Can I work until I deliver?” and “Will I know labor when I feel it?” (Answers: yes, and probably.) Some questions not covered in the book: “What if my obstetrician has been called away to care for covid-19 patients?”, “Should I have a home birth to avoid the hospital?” or “Can babies catch coronavirus?”"

All hail boober
"Breastfeeding may be natural, but it doesn’t always feel that way: 92 percent of new moms have trouble in the first three days once milk comes in, per a study from UC Davis. And those who experience issues with milk supply or latching pain in the first week are most likely to be discouraged. All hail Boober, a service that delivers a lactation specialist to your door within hours (text (917) 451-5815)"

Why do we understand so little about breast-feeding?
"She explains that women are alarmed by colostrum, the first milk they produce, because it doesn’t seem like much. In fact, that’s all a newborn needs for the first few days until the breast and nipple are stimulated enough for more breast milk to be produced. Hospitals still whisk newborns off to the nursery and give them formula, a practice that Shapiro says interferes with the establishment of milk supply. “What is done in the hospital to mothers is completely counterintuitive to how breast-feeding works,” she says."

Millennials Are Becoming Doulas In Droves. Here's Why.
"While millennial doulas who are mothers cite their own birth experience as their motivation for jumping into this career, Shapiro has observed different motivations among women who are not mothers. Some are advocates of reproductive justice while others are considering birth work as a midwife or obstetrician and see doula training as a way to dip their toes into the water before making the leap into further education."

Khloe Kardashian explains why she had to stop breastfeeding
"Stress can significantly affect the hormone that supports lactation, according to Jada Shapiro, a lactation consultant, birth doula and the founder of Boober, an on-demand breastfeeding support service based in Brooklyn. 'High levels of stress can potentially impact milk supply. So can the circumstances surrounding the birth and the first week,' Shapiro told TODAY Parents. 'The mom’s mental health is just as important as the baby. Breastfeeding should not come at the expense of the mother’s health.'"

Boober, Trusted Platform for On-demand, In-person Lactation Support, Launches 1st On-demand Postpartum Doula Service to Answer Parents' SOS Calls for Postpartum Care
The first on-demand postpartum doula-matching service is here! From boober, the beloved NY- based hub for in-person, on-demand lactation support, comes the world's first on-demand matching platform that immediately...

Maternal Health and Breastfeeding Expert, Jada Shapiro Joins "The Womb Happy Hour" Show
"Jada was inspired to start boober after witnessing firsthand from her students and postpartum clients how the current health system has failed to support expectant and new parents. Her experience working on the ground with birth and postpartum professionals and new parents has enabled her to understand the nuances of successfully bridging a widening gap in a broken American healthcare system."

Boober Leads Pregnant And New Parents Through COVID-19
"The COVID-19 pandemic may have transformed nearly every aspect of our society, but babies continue to be born. Over 2 million babies will be born in the US in the next six months. Pregnant families and new parents are isolated, worried about contagion, and facing birth and postpartum without helpful visitors and with fewer resources than before."

The Best Products to Make Pumping at Work Less Horrible, According to Lactation Consultants
Every mom tells you that pumping is the worst part of going back to work. As someone who recently returned from maternity leave, I agree 1,000 percent. Pumping is labor intensive, requires special equipment and a private space, and takes so much time. It can also be emotionally draining. But if feeding your baby breast milk while you’re away is a priority, then there’s really no way around it. To help streamline the process and make it less of a pain, I spoke to five lactation consultants about their favorite hacks and products that make pumping more efficient and, well, less sucky.

Boober winner of Best in Show from the 2019 New York Baby Show
"The 2019 New York Baby Show took place on May 18-19, 2019 in New York City, introducing thousands of new and expectant parents to a variety of products and services in the baby and maternity realms. This year’s Best In Show Awards named five winners. The winners are notable for their innovation, design, functionality, variety, and overall excellence. “This service is much-needed by new parents struggling with breastfeeding,” one judge says. It can make all the difference in getting a good latch that will help new parents to continue to breastfeed until and beyond 6 months.”"

These 7 Breastfeeding Issues Might Seem Scary But They're Totally "Normal"
"I’ll never forget the fear I felt the first time I experienced engorgement for the first time. I’d never seen my breasts look so gigantic or feel so hard (and painful!) and, to be honest, I worried it would last forever. Thankfully, my worry was unfounded. But postpartum changes in your breasts can be unnerving, and there are a slew of breastfeeding issues that might seem scary in the moment but are, actually, completely normal."

On-Demand Lactation Experts Are a Thing
"Studies have shown that access to skilled, in-person, non-medical care as well as social support allows expectant and new mothers and families to feel confident and to thrive.
boober provide the fast lifeline of support that new parents not only crave but also need for a smoother transition into parenthood."

Best and worst ad agency parental leave policies of 2020
The Wieden + Kennedy NY office has partnered-up with boober to give parents additional access to lactation support and services. Parents are given a credit that can be used for an in-home lactation support visit, back-to-work support, phone or video consultation and lactation support groups. Employees also get an additional 10 percent discount for all other services boober has to offer including birth and postpartum doula services.

New York Baby Show 2019 Partner: boober
"We are excited to announce that you can now find a
postpartum doula on the boober platform! Boober can find tailored care for new parents looking for expert help as they transition to parenthood. Caring for babies and parents is what postpartum doulas do and their fast growing popularity is a testament to their incredible work. We also expanded to new territories and are helping parents now in Long Island and parts of New Jersey and Connecticut."

Breastfeeding 101 – A New Mom’s Guide
"Breastfeeding expert Jada Shapiro demonstrates the basics of latching and guides new moms to make breastfeeding a painless experience. Learn the best way to get an ideal latch while nursing. One of the biggest mistakes people make when latching is they put the baby’s lips directly on the nipple and expect that to create the right latch. This can cause a lot of pain if the baby’s directly latched on the nipple."

US Says Breast Isn't Best, Angers Moms & Docs Alike
"It is devastating that this administration would come out against the language proposal to 'protect, promote and support breast-feeding' as the healthiest way to feed their infants. Breastfeeding is the most fundamental and simplest way to improve infant and maternal health and to literally save women's and babies' lives. While formula absolutely has its place...

Boober Provides Lactation Support For Breastfeeding Moms
"Many hospitals treat breastfeeding instruction as an afterthought. According to Jada Shapiro, founder and director of
Birth Day Presence, some have only one lactation consultant on staff—often with limited hours. On average, moms only spend 10 minutes with a lactation specialist before they’re sent home and expected to figure it out themselves. That’s why Shapiro founded
, a service that matches lactation professionals with moms who need help."

Smart Shopping For Easy Feeding
"The arrival of a new baby means that there are a ton of items to register for and stock up on. And, of course, feeding gear is high on the list. Even if you’re planning to breastfeed exclusively, chances are you’ll want and need a pump and a reliable slate of bottles as baby grows. We turned to some experts in the field (see below) for tips on what to look for as you navigate the options on the pump and bottle market."

Childbirth Educator Launches On-Demand Lactation Support
"About a year ago, Jada launched
boober, an on-demand lactation matching platform where you can find same day, in person, expert, vetted lactation care. As simple as one text. It’s been really exciting. People text multiple times throughout the day, saying “I need breastfeeding help”. They get matched to available local lactation consultants or councilors depending on their needs."

Meet Jada Shapiro
"Mom to: An almost 10-year-old girl, plus my blended family. I have 3 wonderful kids right around her age who live with me part of the time. Currently working on:
Boober, my latest and very exciting startup: an on-demand, in-person breastfeeding help service. The only one of its kind! I've been overwhelmed by the positive response and how quickly it has grown. New parents love getting matched to live, expert breastfeeding help immediately just by texting us at
(917) 451-5815! "

The Womb Happy Hour Show with Lorraine Giordano
"Jada Shapiro joins the show to share how her new company is positively transforming the postpartum experience for new parents. Jada (pronounced Jah-duh) Shapiro is the founder of boober (launched 2017), where new parents go for expert, same-day, in-person lactation support and Birth Day Presence (founded 2002), NYC's longest-running and most trusted source of childbirth preparation classes and doula services."

Miss Pillows Cracks Down On Nipple Cracking, Mastitis, And Engorgement
"Miss Pillows interviews boober Founder. Sometimes breastfeeding isn't all it's cracked up to be."

"As a breastfeeding expert, doula and advocate for women’s health, I’m dismayed about Trump’s treatment of women. He boasts about sexual assault, signs away reproductive freedoms, and tells female staffers how to dress. So it’s no surprise he is likely to undermine women’s health rights and
protections — and that includes
Working moms and all who care about breastfeeding: here’s what you need to know about Trump’s threat to breastfeeding rights. Trump has promised to repeal Obamacare (aka the Affordable Care Act) without promising anything in its place."
Videos & Podcasts
Breastfeeding and Sleep Training
"We’ve been wanting to do this episode for quite some time because we know how many of you are struggling with both sleep and breastfeeding. Often these are two relationships that go hand in hand and there are many questions from parents in regards to both."
Pumping Do's and Dont's | Miss Pillows | Scary Mommy
"Pumping sucks, literally. Between all the parts, the noises, the sterilization, the milk supply issues - you basically need an advanced degree to work a breast pump. Or, you can watch this episode of Miss Pillows with lactation consultant Jada Shapiro and learn some do's and dont's that you won't find in a manual."
Everything you need to know about breastfeeding by Scary Mommy x boober
"Jada Shapiro, boober founder, got to chat all things breastfeeding with the hilarious comedian Christine Meehan-Berg, AKA the famous #misspillows by Scary Mommy! Click here to watch the videos and get the answers to all the questions you might have on how to best prepare for breastfeeding, how to position your baby, how to get the best latch and everything in between."