Working without Weaning
You’ve made it! You’re breastfeeding. It’s all going smoothly-ish. And boom, you have to go back to work. Now you have to figure out pumping, bottle-feeding, and keeping up a milk supply, all while juggling the demands of your job and mothering! Whew. If you want to keep breastfeeding after returning to work, it’s important to ensure you don’t accidentally wean before you are ready. Weaning is the process of transitioning from breastfeeding to not breastfeeding at all....
Top 5 Ways Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment Can Help With Breastfeeding Difficulties
One of the most rewarding parts of my Family Medicine practice is working with new parents to help their babies with breastfeeding/bodyfeeding challenges. Osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) for babies is an amazing modality, widely used in Europe, that few American parents are aware of. OMT can help change a frustrating and painful breastfeeding experience to a more peaceful and fulfilling one. Here are the top 5 questions people have about OMT to help you see if OMT is the right modality for you to try on your lactation journey!...
Why take an infant CPR class?
“When is it too late to take an Infant CPR class?” people often ask. In reality, it’s only too late if you have had to use CPR before you ever made it to the class. Otherwise, you are right on time. If you are wondering whether taking a CPR class is really important, or that you missed the opportunity, we say – Take the infant CPR class before it is truly too late....
Cloth diapering – Tips and the basics from a professional
Can you introduce yourself, please? Hey! I’m Liz Turrigiano. Co-founder of Diaperkind and Esembly, and mom to two wacky little Brooklynites. How did you get interested in cloth diapering? I was working as an art producer at an ad agency in Soho. I became (rather unexpectedly) pregnant with my daughter. I knew nothing. None of my friends had babies. I dove headfirst down every pregnancy, childbirth and newborn care rabbit hole I could find....
9 crucial tips for infant care during COVID-19
Virtually every aspect of our daily life has been altered in some way by COVID-19. Taking care of an infant is no exception. While your newborn’s needs are the same, never before have parents been expected to take care of their babies entirely by themselves—without friends, family, or hired care providers like postpartum doulas. ...
Babywearing and which baby carrier should I choose
Babywearing is nothing new. It’s how parents around the world have cared for their babies since time immemorial. Modern parents are no different. We, like our ancestors, look to babywearing to make our lives with our babies easier – and cuddlier!...