The Impact of Doulas on Healthy Birth Outcomes
the Impact of Doulas on Healthy Birth Outcomes There has been a lot of research on the benefits of doula services for birthing parents, mothers, and infants over the past several years, and the findings are extremely positive. In addition to reducing low birth weight, doulas can also increase rates of breastfeeding/bodyfeeding, reduce postpartum depression, decrease medical interventions, strengthen...
Top 4 tips to have a successful Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC)
If you have had a cesarean birth, consider yourself one of many families who have done the same. In the United States in 2019, cesareans made up for nearly 32% of all births. It was once commonly accepted that if a person birthed their baby via cesarean, each subsequent baby must then also be a c-section, but it is now becoming more widely known that repeat cesareans are not always medically indicated and can sometimes present more risks than benefits.
A Birth Plan template and tips on how to write one
Birth Preferences, more commonly known as Birth Plans, are a wonderful way to communicate your wishes with your support team and a great way to dive in, learn more about what your birthing options are, and to clarify what is most important to you during birth. Any uncertainties you have will make great talking points with your medical providers and with your doula. Birth Preference Sheets can be brought to one of your prenatal appointments to make sure that you and your midwife/OBGYN are on the same page about setting expectations for your birth. If, after a discussion with your provider about your Birth Plan or Birth Preferences, you feel like your provider or place of birth does not fit with your wishes, you may want to consider hiring a new midwife or OBGYN....
How to heal and recover after your C-section
Over thirty percent of women in the United States have cesarean birth yet moms get very little education or support on how to recover. As a postpartum doula and c-section mom myself, I’m here to help you with a full guide of how-to recover and steps you can take to speed up your healing and recovery. ...
Should I take childbirth classes?
If you are pregnant, you may be wondering, “Should I take a childbirth class?” If you are an expecting parent, childbirth education classes will help you feel empowered and confident as you move through your labor, birth, and new parenting experiences. You will feel prepared for the big day and beyond with an evidence-based understanding of physiologic birth, the stages of labor, pain coping options and tools, postpartum adjustment and recovery, and so much more. During a pandemic period, you can safely take childbirth classes virtually and reap the benefits of childbirth education from the comfort of your couch, while learning about how to have a positive and confident hospital birth during covid-19. ...
Fuel for the Fourth Trimester
We all know there are three trimesters to pregnancy, and, thankfully, there is beginning to be broader
awareness of the all-important – yet little-discussed – fourth trimester. These post-birth months are
both a time of continued newborn growth and development and an incredibly important time of
healing, adjustment and regeneration for new postpartum parents. Your postpartum diet is a key part
of your recovery. For ages, different cultures have honored traditions of ‘mothering the mother’ or
nurturing the birthing parent with emotional support and nourishing meals, all in the name of helping
the new parent replenish their strength and heal from the hugely physical accomplishment that is
pregnancy and birth....
From pain and despair to joyful breastfeeding – A thank you note
from pain and despair to joyful breastfeeding – a thank you note When this unsolicited thank-you note landed in our email, it literally brought us to tears. This note is everything. It’s why we do the work we do. We are so thankful to have such amazing lactation professionals like Grace on the boober platform. We asked Elyssa if it...