All Things Nursing, Pumping, Expressing Milk, and Understanding Milk Supply
Watch Jada Shapiro, maternal health expert, lactation counselor, and boober founder, in this Q&A on all things nursing, pumping, expressing milk, and understanding milk supply. She covered:
- understanding your milk production
- tips to increase the milk supply
- the proper latch
- the basics of pumping
- How do you know a baby needs to burp and how to do it?
- What is colostrum?
- is your baby getting enough milk?
and more!
Join our top-rated complete lactation preparation class to learn more about how / chestfeeding to get your lactation journey off to the best start in this interactive intimate live class. Need more tailored help? Get matched on-demand to lactation support to help troubleshoot your breastfeeding/ chestfeeding challenges. You don't have to do it alone.
All things nursing, pumping, expressing milk, and understanding milk supply