The Best Positions for Breastfeeding / Bodyfeeding
Ultimately the breastfeeding position or bodyfeeding position that works best for you and your baby is your ideal position! You may start with one or two positions and as your baby grows you may begin to find many ways to nurse. In any position, remember that your comfort and stability is as important as your baby’s. ...
9 crucial tips for infant care during COVID-19
Virtually every aspect of our daily life has been altered in some way by COVID-19. Taking care of an infant is no exception. While your newborn’s needs are the same, never before have parents been expected to take care of their babies entirely by themselves—without friends, family, or hired care providers like postpartum doulas. ...
Babywearing and which baby carrier should I choose
Babywearing is nothing new. It’s how parents around the world have cared for their babies since time immemorial. Modern parents are no different. We, like our ancestors, look to babywearing to make our lives with our babies easier – and cuddlier!...
How babywearing helped me and my baby
As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I started to daydream about the kind of parent I was going to be. Babywearing was part of my program. As a Millennial (I hate that word) mom with far too much information at her fingertips, I felt like I had to subscribe to some kind of parenting philosophy....