Postpartum Doulas

6 Postpartum Doula Hacks To Recover From Childbirth

6 Postpartum Doula Hacks To Recover From Childbirth   Take it from a pro with over 20 years of experience as a postpartum doula helping parents transition into their new routine after birth: the postpartum experience is very different from family to family with no one single story of recovery from childbirth. When it’s your first time birthing a child,...

The Ultimate Hospital Bag Checklist for You And Baby

the ultimate hospital bag checklist for you and baby   The good news about packing for your childbirth hospital stay? You don’t need very much in your bag and the hospital will provide a lot of the essentials! The great news? This is the ULTIMATE hospital bag checklist, which will include everything you need…and want…to make your hospital stay as...

How To Pay For Your Doula

How to pay for your doula   While doulas are worth it, you may wonder how you can afford to pay for your doula. Doula support may feel out of reach, but it doesn’t have to be! The work that birth and postpartum doulas do is extremely important! Research shows that hiring a doula can decrease your likelihood of needing...

Doulas and Pregnancy – Everything You Need To Know

Doulas and pregnancy – everything you need to know   A doula is a professional who provides support to people before, during, and after childbirth. Doulas are not medically trained, but they are experts in providing emotional physical, and informational support to people during childbirth and can be a great asset to have during your pregnancy to postpartum journey! Whether...

Potty Training From Birth or Elimination Communication

potty training from birth or elimination communication   Not many people in the US are familiar with the concept of potty training their baby from as early on as birth, but when deciding between disposable or cloth diapers, it may be worth your time to put elimination communication on the table as an option as well.  Remember parenting is not...

The Impact of Doulas on Healthy Birth Outcomes

the Impact of Doulas on Healthy Birth Outcomes    There has been a lot of research on the benefits of doula services for birthing parents, mothers, and infants over the past several years, and the findings are extremely positive. In addition to reducing low birth weight, doulas can also increase rates of breastfeeding/bodyfeeding, reduce postpartum depression, decrease medical interventions, strengthen...

When Is The Best Time To Hire a Doula

When Is The Best Time To Hire a Doula   We know how busy it can feel when you’re preparing for the arrival of your little one… but exactly when should you look into hiring a doula? We created this blog post to help answer that question for you so you can have all the support you need during your...

3 Tips To Help Manage The Baby Blues

3 Tips To Help Manage The Baby Blues Whether you are feeling particularly emotional, overwhelmed, or anxious in the days and weeks after having your baby, you can expect there to be some heightened feelings which can be up, down and all around. Some call it “the baby blues”. This is absolutely normal, due to the fluctuation in hormones, reduced...

5 reasons why postpartum doulas help the transition into parenthood

5 reasons why postpartum doulas help the transition into parenthood When you finally hold your new baby in your arms, the feeling is so wonderful. It’s something you had longed for, but like most new parents, you’ve got some questions, insecurities and are pretty much exhausted a lot of the time. The amount of effort a newborn requires is often...

How Doulas Nurture The Family

How Doulas Nurture The Family Historically, people were able to lean on the experience of their family to navigate pregnancy and childbirth, but in our modern society, many find that relying on or receiving support from family is not always an option and hiring a doula becomes a critical support for people transitioning to parenthood. Maybe you live far away...