Blog posts

Why take an infant CPR class?

“When is it too late to take an Infant CPR class?” people often ask. In reality, it’s only too late if you have had to use CPR before you ever made it to the class. Otherwise, you are right on time. If you are wondering whether taking a CPR class is really important, or that you missed the opportunity, we say – Take the infant CPR class before it is truly too late....

What are the Stages of Labor?

You may feel like you have been pregnant forever or you might feel like the experience has flown by, but almost universally toward the end of your pregnancy, you may start wondering “when will I know I am in labor?,” “what are the stages of labor?,” and “what can I expect?”. Just like every pregnancy is different, experiences of birth can vary greatly. While your experience will be uniquely your own, there are some patterns to physiological labor and birth that can be helpful to know as you prepare....

Fuel for the Fourth Trimester

We all know there are three trimesters to pregnancy, and, thankfully, there is beginning to be broader awareness of the all-important – yet little-discussed – fourth trimester. These post-birth months are both a time of continued newborn growth and development and an incredibly important time of healing, adjustment and regeneration for new postpartum parents. Your postpartum diet is a key part of your recovery. For ages, different cultures have honored traditions of ‘mothering the mother’ or nurturing the birthing parent with emotional support and nourishing meals, all in the name of helping the new parent replenish their strength and heal from the hugely physical accomplishment that is pregnancy and birth....

What to avoid during pregnancy

What to avoid during pregnancy is one of the first searches newly pregnant parents make. Pregnant people can mostly continue on as before, but there are some things to avoid. Eliminating behaviors known to be harmful during pregnancy is a stepping stone for most parents of what all parents are hoping for when they start their fertility journey: a healthy mom and baby. Here is a checklist of things to consider avoiding while pregnant:...

Tips for breastfeeding / chestfeeding with inverted or flat nipples

Many new parents worry that their nipples are not adequate for nursing their new babies. While breastfeeding/chestfeeding with flat and inverted nipples can be more difficult, especially if your baby also has challenges achieving a deep latch, nipple size and shape may be less of a concern than a parent may have anticipated. With ideal latch and positioning support, many people can nurse their babies just fine, despite non-protruding nipples. It might be reassuring to remember that babies latch onto the areola, not just the nipple and that they can even “pull” an inverted nipple out with good sucking....

BIPOC-founded Maternal Health Organizations to Support

Black birthing people are 3-4 times more likely to die in or soon after childbirth in the US and 12x more likely in NYC. While this has gotten some more awareness in the last few years, we need to take immediate action so we can stop these painful tragedies from occurring, bring an end to these preventable deaths and push legislators to hold healthcare professionals and hospitals accountable. We cannot continue to lose Black mothers like Jazmir Taylor, Yolanda “Shiphrah” Kadima, Sha-Asia Washington, and Amber Rose who all died this year. For people who are unsure of how to get involved or contribute, we’ve compiled a list of organizations you can support monetarily or otherwise....

5 weaning tips from a lactation consultant

There are many reasons a nursing parent may decide to stop breastfeeding or pumping. It can feel like a big decision or just a natural next step, but no matter why you are choosing to wean, it is really important to protect your health (both physical and mental) during the process. It might be comforting to remember that all nursing parents do eventually wean and that the body is designed for the transition....

How to have a positive and confident hospital birth during COVID-19

While giving birth has always included many unknowns for expectant parents, COVID-19 has created more questions and confusion for many parents-to-be. Educating yourself about what to expect during labor in the pandemic will help you feel more positive, confident, and ready to bring your baby to this world. This may not be what you envisioned, but you can do this! These COVID-19 birthing tips will support you in having the best hospital birth possible given the uncertain circumstances....

All things related to tongue-tie part 1

Are you experiencing pain while nursing? Cracked nipples? Super long or very short feedings? Slow weight gain? Shallow latch? Challenges with bottle feeding? Gassy/acid-reflux baby? Possibly combined with slow weight gain for your baby? Tongue-tie might be the cause of the problem. Medically known as ankyloglossia, this condition, present at birth, can restrict the tongue’s range of motion so it may interfere with compression and milk removal....

How to use a nipple shield for breastfeeding

A nipple shield is a flexible silicone nipple that is worn over the mom’s nipple while she nurses. When should a nipple shield be used? – Nursing with inverted or flat nipples: Nipple shields are helpful for people with shorter, flatter, or inverted nipples, making the latch difficult for the baby. Feeding through the shield helps draw the nipple out, to make it easier for your baby to latch onto the breast. – Breastfeeding a premature baby: Nipple shields are also useful for some smaller or premature babies who haven’t fully developed their ability to suck and have difficulty latching on to the breast. A nipple shield can help a preemie create suction and position the nipple in a way they may not yet be strong enough to do themselves. ...

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